El compromiso de Lavazza de devolver la esperanza a las comunidades de Guatemala.
Desde su creación en 2004, la fundación Giuseppe and Pericle Lavazza Foundation ha promovido y financiado proyectos de sostenibilidad internacional en países productores de café. Con el objetivo de aumentar la producción y mejorar la promoción y la calidad del café, la Fundación Lavazza apoya el desarrollo ambiental, social y económico en estos países mientras fomenta el espíritu empresarial de sus productores de café y mejora sus condiciones de vida.
For this reason, in collaboration with the Verdad y Vida Association, the Lavazza Foundation launched the “Coffee to be Reborn” project to support a group of 20 Maya Pop'omchì women, between the ages of 16 and 55 years old, in their ambitious project to produce and market coffee grown in San Lucas, an indigenous community located 18 km away from the main town of San Cristòbal Verapaz. Nowadays, there are more than 175 women who have resumed their work in the production of quality coffee, making enormous strides in its marketing by putting it on the market for over 1,000 people.
The Verdad y Vida Civil Association (founded on January 18, 2012) follows a population made up of families, women, men, and young victims of violence, actively operating in the areas of San Cristòbal Verapaz and Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa. This association primarily focuses its attention on Maya Pop’omchì women providing them with organization, training, education, and healthcare.
The project’s goal is to train the beneficiaries in effective production and marketing, organizational and logistical support and fostering partnerships with similar local and regional organizations.
All of this will serve to enhance local excellence and restore hope to the communities of Guatemala.